Donna Shin

Flutist Donna Shin has been praised for her beautifully-spun phrases, seductive sound, sterling technique, and charismatic exchanges with the audience. Described as “dazzling” by the Boston Globe, Shin has built an enviable reputation as a versatile performer of solo, chamber, orchestra, jazz and ancient Asian repertoire. Performing in concert halls throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia, she is admired for her adventurous programming and expressive flair. Devoted to the role of artist-teacher, she is the Flute Professor and Chair of Woodwind and Brass Studies at the University of Washington School of Music after holding faculty posts at the University of South Carolina School of Music and Oklahoma State University. She frequently appears as artist-performer and master class clinician at universities and flute clubs throughout the world, modeling the artist-teacher path for young flutists.

Shin has been featured in solo performances with the North Korean National Symphony Orchestra, People’s Liberation Army Band of China, Seattle Symphony Orchestra, Eastman Philharmonia, New England Conservatory Wind Ensemble, University of South Carolina Wind Ensemble, Oklahoma State University Wind Ensemble, and University of Washington Symphony Orchestra. She has been an internationally featured performer in France, Italy, Germany, England, Brazil, Japan, China, North Korea, and Uzbekistan. In orchestral music, Shin performed as principal flute with the Heidelberg Schlossfestspiele Orchester in Germany. She also performed with the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, Seattle Symphony, Northwest Sinfonietta, South Carolina Philharmonic, Tulsa Symphony Orchestra, New World Symphony, Tulsa Signature Symphony, Lake Placid Sinfonietta, Tanglewood Music Center, National Repertory Orchestra, Aspen Music Festival, National Orchestral Institute, and Norfolk Chamber Music Festival. Shin has won prizes in competitions held by the National Flute Association, April Spring Friendship Arts Festival in North Korea, Performers of Connecticut, James Pappoutsakis Society, and Seattle Flute Society, to name a few. As a founding member of Paragon Winds woodwind quintet, she was awarded fellowships from the New England Conservatory and Yale University’s Norfolk Chamber Music Festival, and won the Grand Prize at the Coleman National Chamber Ensemble Competition in Pasadena, California.

Shin earned degrees with the highest honors from the Interlochen Arts Academy, Eastman School of Music and the New England Conservatory, including the esteemed Performer’s Certificate at the Eastman School. As instructor of chamber music and flute at the University of Rochester and the Eastman School of Music, she was awarded the “Eastman School of Music Excellence in Teaching” prize. During her doctoral studies at Eastman, she became the first woodwind player in the school’s history to be nominated for the highly coveted Artist's Certificate. During the summer months, Shin performs as artist-teacher at the Sewanee Summer Music Festival in Tennessee, ARIA International Summer Academy in Massachusetts, and Snowater Flute Festival in Washington. In previous summers, she led study abroad course in northern Italy, performed at the Bay View Music Festival in Michigan, and coordinated the Young Artist Competition for the National Flute Association.


플루티스트 신단아(Donna Shin)교수는 아름답고 매혹적인 소리, 화려한 테크닉, 관객과의  카리스마 넘치는 교감으로 호평을 받았다. Boston Globe로부터 "눈부신 연주자"로 인정받은 Shin은 솔로, 실내악, 오케스트라, 재즈 및 고대 아시아 레퍼토리를 아우르는 다재 다능한  연주자로서 존경받는 명성을 쌓았다. 미주, 유럽, 아시아 전역 콘서트 홀의 공연에서 모험적인  프로그램과 표현력으로 찬사를 받고 있다. 예술가이자교육자의 역할에 전념하는 그는  사우스 캐롤라이나 음악 대학과 오클라호마 주립 대학에서 교수직을 역임한 후 워싱턴 대학 음악 대 학에서 플루트 교수이자 목관 악기 및 금관 악기 학과장을 역임했다. 전 세계의 대학과, 플루트 클럽, 마스터 클래스등에서 연주자 및 교육자로서 젊은 플루트 연주자에게 모범이 되는 행보를 보여주고 있다.

Shin은 북한국립교향악단, 중국인민해방군악단, 시애틀심포니오케스트라, Eastman Philharmonia, New England Conservatory Wind Ensemble, University of South Carolina Wind Ensemble, Oklahoma State University Wind Ensemble, University of Washington Symphony Ochestra와 협연 하였다. 또한, 프랑스, 이탈리아, 독일, 영국, 브라질, 일본, 중국, 북한 및 우즈베키스탄등 매우 많은 나라에서 초청연주를 진행하였고, 오케스트라주자로서도 독일 하이델베르그 슐로스페스트슈필레 오케스트라와의 수석 플루트주자로 활약했다. 이외에도, 보스턴 필하모닉 오케스트라, 시애틀 심포니, 노스웨스트 신포니에타, 사우스 캐롤라이나 필하모닉, Tulsa 심포니 오케스트라, 뉴 월드 심포니, Tulsa 시그니처 심포니, 레이크 플래시드 신포니에타, 탱글우드 뮤직 센터, 내셔널 레퍼토리 오케스트라, 아스펜 뮤직 페스티벌, 국립 오케스트라 연구소등 저명한 단체와 함께 연주했다. Norfolk실내악 축제를 비롯한, 전국 플루트 협회, 북한의 4월 봄 우정 예술제, 코네티컷 연주자, 제임스 파푸우사키스 소사이어티, 시애틀 플루트 소사이어티가 주최하는 콩쿠르에서 입상, Paragon Winds 목관 5중주 창단 멤버로서 New England Conservatory와 Yale University의 Norfolk Chamber Music Festival에서 펠로우십수상, 그리고 캘리포니아 패서디나에서 열린 Coleman National Chamber Ensemble Competition에서 대상을 수상했다.

Shin은 Interlochen Arts Academy, Eastman School of Music 및 New England Conservatory에서 최고 영예 학위와 Performer's Certificate를 받았다. University of Rochester와 Eastman School of Music에서 실내악과 플루트 강사로 재직하면서 "Eastman School of Music Excellence in Teaching" 상을 수상했다. Eastman에서 박사 과정을 밟는 동안 그녀는 학교 역사상 가장 훌륭한  Artist's Certificate에 지명된 최초의 목관 악기 연주자의 영예를 받았다. Shin은 테네시의  Sewanee Summer Music Festival, 매사추세츠의 ARIA International Summer Academy,  워싱턴의 Snowater Flute Festival에서 상주아티스트로서 후학양성에 매진하고 있으며, 지난 여름에는 북부 이탈리아와 미시간의 베이 뷰 뮤직 페스티벌에서 교육프로그램과 연주를 진행했으며, 전국 플루트 협회의 영 아티스트 콩쿠르를 주관하는 등 다양한 활약상을 보여주고 있다.