Pianist Kyungsin Kim was born in Daegu, Korea and began piano studies at the age of six. She received her Doctor of Musical Art degree from Rutgers University with the MTNA (Music Teachers National Association) Student Achievement Award, which is given to a graduate student with excellent achievement. Kyungsin earned her Master of Music degree from Manhattan School of Music in New York and her Bachelor of Music degree from Hyosung Women’s University with honor. She studied with Marc Silverman, Paul Hoffman and chamber music with Constance Keene and Arnold Steinhardt, the 1st violinist of the Guarneri String Quartet.
Kyungsin was the winner of the Artist International Young Artist Competition and her subsequent New York debut solo recital was held at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall. She has performed in master classes given by internationally acclaimed pianists such as Richard Goode, Angela Cheng and Samuel Leslie. Also, she received various awards including the Saldarini Memorial Award, the Graduate Fellowship Award, the Nicholas Scholarship, Elsie and Walter Naumberg Award, and the Edna Mason Award.
Kyungsin has been an active collaborative pianist accompanying the American Chorale Director Association’s National Conference, Seattle Artist Music Festival, Performing Arts Festival of the Eastside, Seattle International Cultural Arts Festival, WMEA Competition, Korean Music Association of WA, Philadelphia Master Chorale, and Rutgers University Choir.
피아니스트 김 경신은 대구에서 태어나 여섯살에 피아노를 시작하였다. 효성 여자대학교 음악대학을 수석 졸업하였고 음악 석사 학위를 뉴욕 Manhattan School of Music 에서 취득하였다. 그리고 피아노 연주학으로 음악박사 학위 (Doctor of Musical Art) 를 뉴저지Rutgers University 에서 취득하였다. 동시에 미국 음악 교사 협의회 (MTNA) 에서 박사과정 졸업생 중 가장 우수한 한명에게 수여하는 MTNA Achievement 상을 수상하였다. Marc Silverman 교수와 Paul Hoffman 교수에게 사사 하였고 챔버 뮤직을 Constance Keene 교수와 세계적으로 유명한 Guarneri Quartet 의 제1바이올린 주자인 Arnold Steinhardt 에게 사사하였다.
Artist International 이 주최한 Young Artist Competition에서 우승하여 뉴욕 카네기홀 Weill 리사이틀 홀에서 뉴욕데뷰 독주회를 가졌고, 저명한 피아니스트 Richard Goode, Angela Cheng, Samuel Leslie와의 매스터클래스에 참가 연주 하였다. 또한 Saldarini Memorial Award, Graduate Fellowship Award, Nicholas Scholarship, Elsie and Walter Naumberg Award, Edna Mason Award등 다수의 상을 수상 하였다.
반주자로서도 활발한 활동을 하는 김경신은 미국 지휘자 연합회 전국 Conference, 시애틀 아티스트 페스티발, Performing Arts Festival of Eastside, 워싱턴주 음악교육협의회 대회, 한인 음악 협회, Philadelphia Master Chorale, Rutgers University Choir 반주자를 역임하였다.